SAINT GOBAIN (F) - 25/08/2019 - CAC et BOB (Best Of Breed) !!!!!
Actualité publié le 25/09/2019
CAC - National Dog Show -
Saint Gobain (FR)
Judge = R. Barenne
Saint Gobain (FR)
Judge = R. Barenne
*** Poppy Slope's Cherish (Yster) ***
CAC - BOB (Best Of Breed) 
Spitz Nain:
Judge = S. Roser
*** Alice ***
A beautiful day with lots of sun, designed for a picnic and with excellent results

My Yster fills me as always with so much satisfaction!
I'm so proud of her! She is wonderful and magical!!!!

Spitz Nain:
Judge = S. Roser
*** Alice ***

A beautiful day with lots of sun, designed for a picnic and with excellent results

My Yster fills me as always with so much satisfaction!
I'm so proud of her! She is wonderful and magical!!!!